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Training & Employee Development in Square

Our Training & Development enables our people to enhance their skills, keep them updated with recent changes. We offer both on-the-job and off-the- job at both theoretical and practical training opportunities through a range of Local, Regional and International Training programs that include both functional and managerial levels on the basis of Training Need Assessment. Training Need Analysis (TNA) is conducted by Department Heads and Human Resource Department jointly on the basis of job analysis.

Management Development Training
Round the year, management development training is organized for managers & executives at our Corporate Headquarters, Dhaka Unit & Pabna Unit. Our own and renowned resource persons from home & abroad conduct the training sessions. We also send our employees to renowned local training institutes for specialized training.

Overseas Training
We send our employee to abroad for training program depending on availability of appropriate topics. Technical persons of our factories attend the Factory Assessment Test (FAT) in various parts of the world for smooth operation of equipments.

Field Forces Training & Development
Each year, a significant number of Field Forces complete their induction training program and joined to their respective markets and appear at examination in every month for further development.

Field Forces Refresher Course
For updating product knowledge and selling skills of field forces, Refresher Course is organized in four different regions in every month.

Territory Manager Training
Twice in every year, mid-level managers of sales participate in the training program titled �Sales Territory Management� at a regular basis.

Every year a number of Distribution Assistants (DA), Data Entry Operators (DEO) go under induction training program immediately after initial recruitment.

Each month, Refresher course for DA, Driver and Packers is organized in two different depots for updating their knowledge.

Other Activities:

  • Students of various universities are placed as Interns in different departments.
  • Significant number of students completed their In-Plant Training in our Plants.
  • Coordinating factory visit for different government and Institutions.
  • All newly joined executives go through a structured Orientation Program.
  • We conduct health, Hygiene & different awareness program for our colleagues.
  • We conduct training on different compliance parameters for our factory colleagues.

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